InDaoYan - Culture and Civilization (Play of Light and Shadow)
* ~ * TIME OF CULTURE * ~ *
Culture is a Time of Soul and Spirit...
A Time of Spring, Evolution and Beauty...
It is a narrow Path - to Heaven, to God...
The Time of Sunrise, the East, Art -
as an ascending Creation…
. . . CULTURE IS A GAME . . .
A Game with High Feelings - in Heaven…
Culture is like Sliding inside Beauty…
In the name of the Spirit, Culture stimulates High…
In the name of the Soul - Culture stimulates Weakness…
Culture is the Birth of Virgo and Man...
…Civilization is like a time of mind and body...
A time of autumn, involution and unbeauty...
It is a wide path - from Heaven, from God...
It is a time of Sunset, the West, Science -
as a descending dissolution…
Playing on base feelings - on the Ground…
Civilization is like sliding beyond Beauty…
In the name of profit (of the body) - it excites the base…
In the name of progress (reason) - it awakens the force…
Civilization is the eradication of Virgo and Man...
* InDaoYan * Sliding into Heavens *
Part 7 * Sliding inside Beauty * 2005 *
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