Triple Alliance (1936)

Full title reads: “Triple Alliance. Italian, Hungarian, Austrian agreement signed in Rome“. Italy. Various shots of Italian, Hungarian and Austrian leaders posing for camera, in front of Italian Army guard of honour. In front, from left to right, stand Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg (Chancellor of Austria), Benito Mussolini (Il Duce of Italy) and General Goemboes (Premier of Hungary). Various shots of officials’ cars arriving at Palazzo Venitizia (sp.?) where the leaders attend daily meetings. Car pass crowds of Fascist soldiers in black saluting. We see Mussolini getting out of his car and saluting the crowd. Interior. M/S of Goemboes signing triple agreement to “strengthen ties between 3 countries“. Schuschnigg and Mussolini are then also seen signing agreement. Exterior. Various shots of leaders and their entourages watching a display by Italian Cavalry brigades. The horses gallop up and down steep slopes. The leaders watch from top of hill. Various shots leaders and their entourage
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