stack data structure tutorial example explained
#stack #data #structure
// *******************************************************
// stack = LIFO data structure. Last-In First-Out
// stores objects into a sort of “vertical tower“
// push() to add objects to the top
// pop() to remove objects from the top
// uses of stacks?
// 1. undo/redo features in text editors
// 2. moving back/forward through browser history
// 3. backtracking algorithms (maze, file directories)
// 4. calling functions (call stack)
// *******************************************************
music credits 🎼 :
Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.b