Manannán Mac Lír - The Irish God of the Sea - Jon O’Sullivan - Irish Pagan School

Manannán Mac Lír is the not one of the Tuatha Dé Dannann, but he is a God that exists through out the full scope of Irish Lore, from the Mythological cycles of the early tribes in Ireland right the way down to the Cycle of Kings in the Medieval period. But what is it about this deity that is so fascinating to me? Well maybe this vid will give you some insight. At the Irish Pagan School we offer Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators, based in County Waterford, Ireland. -- JOIN THE MAILING LIST HERE -- Support this work on Patreon - FREE Online Classes - Lisa Templeton recommends The Irish Pagan School: “The classes are relevant and informative. I’ve learned a great deal from them. I like that they are straightforward and well presented.“ For your Irish Pagan Blog, Books, and Cla
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