Georges Bizet & Fromental Halévy: Noé

Georges Bizet (1838-1875) & Fromental Halévy (1799-1862): Noé Opera in three acts and four sets on a libretto by Hubert de Saint-Georges Recreated in Compiègne Impérial Theater in 2004 after the 1881 German performances Anne-Sophie Schmidt, Saraï Jean-Philippe Courtis, Noé Philippe Do, Ituriel Matthieu Lecroart, Cham Karen Vourc’h, Ebba Mathias Vidal, Sem Céline Victores-Benavente, Japhet Paul Médioni, Eliacin Cori Spezati Vocal Ensemble Olivier Opdebeeck, director Orchestre Français Alberic Magnard Emmanuel Calef, conductor Pierre Jourdan, artistic direction and stage director Jean-Pierre Capeyron, sets and costumes Jean-Pierre Tanto, choreography Thierry Alexandre, lights Pierre Jourdan & Patrice Monnet, film direction Restored, upscaled and remastered in Altea Media Studios using careful use of Artificial Intelligence software and complete sound and picture remast
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