Project: La tierra está cansada
Baden Powell (Brazilië, 1937 - 2000) - Berimbau, Consolacão
Guitar - Alvaro Rovira Ruiz, Meike Aukes
Video - Felipe Pipi
Alvaro Rovira Ruiz has a musical background in the tango and Latin-American folklore. He studied in Buenos Aires and Rotterdam and is currently conductor and teacher of a Argentine folklore ensemble and at the Rotterdam conservatoire.
Meike grew up on a bio organic farm in the north of the Netherlands. After several music projects in the field of psychiatry (children and youth), she started her education in Brazilian music at the Codarts conservatoire, Rotterdam.
6 months ago 00:18:50 1
Canto de Ossanha, por que tanta gente gosta ? [Curiosidades #19]
1 year ago 00:04:49 1
Wilson das Neves | Berimbau (Baden Powell/Vinícius de Moraes) | Instrumental Sesc Brasil
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Orquestra de Berimbaus Morro do Querosene | Programa Instrumental Sesc Brasil
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The Sergio Mendes Trio - In The Brazilian Bag
3 years ago 00:04:57 2
Berimbau, Consolacão - Baden Powell
3 years ago 00:05:25 6
Trio Baru - Canto de Ossanha / Consolação / Berimbau (Baden Powell & Vinicius de Moraes)
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Consolação/Berimbau, Baden Powell by Daniel Marques, Brazil.
4 years ago 00:50:57 1
La Fusa
7 years ago 00:04:10 2
“Berimbau/Consolaçao“ with guitar TAB -- Baden Powell
8 years ago 00:04:48 1
“Consolação-Berimbau“-“Canto de Osanha“ - Vinicius / Baden Powell