Natural-style Aquarium for Congo Tetras!

Hey guys! Here’s another example display from my upcoming book ’Aquatic Habitats - Aquariums Inspired By Nature’. This one features Congo Tetras, African Butterflyfish and Upside-down catfish and is based on images and descriptions from my good friend Thomas Minesi. I talk about how to put the display together and I hope it inspires you to try something similar! Here are accounts of people who have helped me with the book, who I mention in this video and who you should follow! @thomasminesi7366 @caminhosdesconhecidos @australianbiotopes4563 @Mikolji @GeorgeFarmerStudios @Aq...uariumGardensAquascaping @HorizonAquatics @TropicaAquariumPlants @oasevideo Insta: @ely_aquatics_and_reptiles @musingsofjoe @tanninaquatics2129 @tanninaquatics @ Music: Smarter - Lukas Got Lucky
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