Totale Vernichtung🤍has risen to the paramount top of who I love, adore and cherish the most of all that is Black Metal; asides from Vicarivs Filii Dei🤍. Antimessiah is a man, truly otherworldly; passion and dominate supreme. Absolutely no man has a voice more beautiful. Absolutely none, more as melting. Nothing but high-praise, and respect for Antimessiah. Sincerely. I get asked at times, what some of my favorites are. So, I figured I’d compile a “Top (favorite) 10“, in order, spanning all 7 releases.
Totale Vernichtung🤍... in a class, all its own.
Country: Austria
Year(s): 2006 - 2014
Gen Black Metal
0:00 - Die Stacheldrahtzieher (Feuerbestattung)
4:39 - Ströme Aus Blut (Die Rückkehr Des Schwarzen Todes)
8:30 - Ein Blitz kommt selten (Feuerbestattung)
13:21 - Auf stillgelegten Gleisen (Feuerbestattung)
16:48 - Die Pechschwarze Artillerie (Die Pechschwarze Artillerie)
22:52 - Im Glanz der brennenden Synagogen (Vergessene Hymnen)
27:34 - Feuer und Krieg (Feuer und Krieg)
33:34 - Ermordet das Oberhaupt der Kirche (Massenmord An Untermenschen)
37:06 - Christenmord (Vergessene Hymnen)
41:36 - Die Gasmaskenbildner (Ritualmordlegenden)
I do not own the rights to any music in this video. This video was made to show love and support for the band. If you have enjoyed any/ all of these tracks; please show your support as well, and go and buy a vinyl record, disc, or something.Show more