Rin’s “ぶっちぎりにしてあげる♪“ with English Lyric.

My translation on “BUCCHIGIRI-NI-SITE-AGERU(Gonna outrun you for good)“. Funny song for Rin so don’t mind about her face, [ Orignal title in NICO VID ] 【鏡音リン】ぶっちぎりにしてあげる♪【ロードローラー最速伝説】 ([Rin Kagamine] I’m gonna outrun you for good! [Legend of Fastest(Top Speed)Road Roller] ) [Original vid URL] [Creator] Music by _k Lyric by _k Vocal by Vocaloid “Miku Hatsune“ [Who’s Rin&Ren(Two in vid)?] [Hint on Understanding Lyric] Reading this is totally optional -“You can’t run 100km/h with road roller! It’s insane!“ ? Well this is song for fun so just relax and have f...un;) -Why Road Roller? Like Miku with Spring Onion, it’s not official setting but it’s already taken root in fans. I don’t really know what made this start but I guess it’s matched on their hair color, since Road Roller are usually yellow in Japan. Onion also stand for Kagamine twins and I guess this is for contrast to Miku, another is also unofficial setting ...but I guess we could think these setting is almost officially approved. -What’s decorated art tractor? In Japan, some tractor is drawn art for driver’s liking. Some of them you’ll find it beatiful or awesome, some just insane with so many lighting it’s even hard to watch. (which I actually like it.L). [About my translation] If you have anything about my translation please see my profile for my translation policy first. [How to get mp3 and Japanese lyric readable in Eng(Romaji)] ~soundares/subs/ ~soundares/subs/ ---------------------------------------- Rin’s “BUCCHIGIRI-NI-SITE-AGERU“ Lyric ---------------------------------------- Beyond the limit of max/top speed I have come (There’s) No brake on it but Who really cares Hurry and get my gear into TOP (speed) What’s the matter 100km/h won’t satisfy me KIMI NO KOTO(=/= I’ll get you) BUCCHIGIRI NI SHITE AGERU(and outrun you) (Hey,) No time for singing Road Roller DE SHITE AGERU(with my ROAD ROLLER) So be a bit prepared OK? BUCCHIGIRI NI SHITE YAN YO(I’m gonna outrun ya) To the freezing town “Break in2 the night“ Road Roller DE SHITE AGERU(with my ROAD ROLLER) So bit of inattention shall be scent of death BUCCHIGIRI NI SHITE AGERU(I’ll outrun you) Deco(rated art)Tra(ck) with Japanese country song’s great too PECCHANKO NI SITE AGERU(I’ll press you up) So won’t you let me run faster
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