Hello, and welcome to my channel.
Today, we are discussing the tongue image of a young woman suffering from somnolence and insomnia. Additionally, she suffers from painful menstruation as well as abdominal pain during ovulation as well as seasonal allergies. See how we unravel her symptoms based on the tongue image and then recommend the herbs based on presentation.
Please remember this is just an exercise that helps a practitioner learn how to apply tongue diagnosis to select herbs for the formula. Please do not self-prescribe herbs if you are not a trained professional.
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Formula discussed:
Gui Pi Tang 歸脾湯 Restore the Spleen Decoction.
Herbs discussed:
Ren Shen 人參 Chinese Ginseng
Huang Qi 黃耆 Astragalus
Bai Zhu 白朮 Atractylodes
Long Yan Rou 龍眼肉 Longan Fruit
Dang Gui 當歸 Angelicae SineShow more