Jim Peterik -- “Empty Arena“ Lyric Video

“Empty Arena“ is my song of hope for a better time when once again arenas, stadiums, theaters and clubs can be filled with people there for the love of music, sports and other activities. -- Jimbo, March 2020 “Empty Arena“ Words and Music ©2020 Jim Peterik Music, administered by Concord Music Video ©2020 Paul Braun, Cygnus Productions Musicians: Jim Peterik: Keyboards, guitar, vocals Mike Aquino: Guitar Klem Hayes: Bass Ed Breckenfeld: Drums Engineered by Larry Millas Assistant Engineer: Colin Peterik Lyrics: WHAT IF THE TEAM SCORED A TOUCHDOWN AND NOBODY CHEERED? WHAT IF T...HE BAND PLAYED THEIR BIG ENCORE WITH NO ONE IN EAR SHOT TO HEAR? WHAT IF THE CHILDREN LEARNED ALL OF THEIR LINES DETERMINED TO SING AT THEIR MOMENT TO SHINE BUT MOM AND DAD WERE NOWHERE STANDING NEAR? CHORUS THIS IS THE SOUND OF ONE HAND CLAPPING IN THIS EMPTY ARENA WE USED
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