The DynaSample XPression, XpressO & XO-mini sound modules play great with the Akai EWI, EWI4000s, EWI 5000, EWI-USB, the Yamaha WX5, WX7, WX11, the Softwind Synthophone, the MDT as well as any other wind controller, keyboard (MIDI or USB), MIDI guitar with or without breath control and almost all other MIDI controllers.
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Finally had a major breakthrough with string instrument playing on a wind controller such as the Akai EWI5000 - which is playing the DynaSample XPression sound module over USB in this video.
Until now having accurate string releases was impossible on
...a wind controller due to the coupled breath dynamics with the note off. The result was unnaturally cut off notes - making anything you play immediately and clearly recognizable as an electronic instrument.
Now it is possible to have dynamically correct string releases with a working legato recognition. As opposed to rigid sampled spiccato articulations (that keyboard libraries use) the bowing behavior is generated in realtime. For the first time the player has perfect control over the articulation level plus the duration and the dynamic curve of the bow being in contact with the string before fading out with the non bowed release sound. No audible release sound will be generated on legato playing.
This gives the player an unprecedented control over phrasing and thus enabeling a good musician to interpret even difficult music such as J. S. Bach’s compositions without compromises.
On top of it the XPression’s special string pitchbend mode, i.e. handling of position changes on strings (as heard only once in the second half of the piece), gives the instrument the expressive quality that such a great cello deserves - without ever jeopardizing the timing like the common “portamento / glissando” or sampled note transitions do.
This is the first time that I can finally listen to a cello without having to think “OMG, another EWI trying to emulate a cello …”.
Let the XPression take you to the next musical level!Show more