
胡椒豬肚雞,源自廣東,是客家人用來招待客人的美味,也是廣東人的家常菜。胡椒,溫中下氣、和胃止嘔,格外適合冬日入菜驅寒。湯裏加上紅棗、桂圓、黨參,冬天吃上這一鍋,全身暖和又滋補! Stewed Pork Stomach and Chicken with White Pepper originated in Canton as a dish cooked by Hakka people to entertain guests. Now it has become a dish commonly seen in Cantonese families. Pepper is warm and nutritious for our stomach, and it’s a really great ingredient to be cooked with other food in winter. Containing red dates, longan and dangshen, the pot of food and soup can offer you rich nutrition and keep you from coldness in winter.
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