WARNING!!! PARENT Supervision WAS Required

We once had everything we ever wanted... the land was just right, the home built custom by us-for us, the neighborhood was great, we grew all our own food, business was great.... but we packed something.... the future, try as we might we could not see a prosperous future for our children. We could not see them able to flourish as Christians in Canada anymore nor be able to financially afford their dreams, Canada wad becoming far too expensive and so.... we made some massive changes.... We have made a huge family decision to sell everything and relocate to an area that will be safer for our family as Christians in the long term. This has not been an easy decision but one we felt we needed to make for our children and theirs. We took this summer off and traveled the USA and have now flown across the ocean to Tbilisi Georgia. We rented an apartment/hotel in Marjanishvili Square for 8 days but have just found a house outside the city where we can spend the next weeks/ months as we wait for our paper
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