Louis Berkman, The Zemel Choir, Simon, London Symphony Orchestra
Va’anachnu (Adoration) -- Bayom hahu -- Tzur Yisroel --
Kaddish (Memorial Service) -- Adon olom
Va’anachnu kor’im [We bow down]
umishtachavim umodim [and worship and give thanks]
lif’nei melech mal’chei ham’lochim, [before the supreme King of Kings,]
hakodosh, boruch hu. [the Holy One, blessed be He.]
May the time not be distant, 0 God, when Thy Name
shall be worshipped in all the earth, when unbelief
shall disappear and error be no more. May the day
come when all men shall invoke Thy Name, when
corruption and evil shall give way to purity and
goodness, when superstition shall no longer enslave
the mind, nor fetishism blind the eye! 0 may all men
recognise that they are brethren, so that one in spirit
and one in fellowship, they may be forever united,
forever united before Thee. Then shall Thine kingdom
be established on Earth and the word of Thine ancient
Seer be fulfilled!
Bayom hahu yih’yeh Adoshem Echod, [On that day will the Lord be One]
1 view
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Ernest Bloch-- Sacred Service 1,2,3MOV, Leonard Bernstein
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Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service) (1933) — Ernest Bloch (Bernstein, New York Philharmonic)
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Bloch: Sacred Service [Avodath Hakodesh], Part V
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