What are you doing with that toothbrush, onii-san?
0:00 - marshmallow justice
1:30 - Nisemonogatari ED Naisho no Hanashi / ナイショの話
2:49 - Platinum Disco / Hakkin Disco / 白金ディスコ
4:00 - Spot the references!
4:20 - Blaze it
5:58 - OP 1 Futakotome / 二言目
So in case you didn’t guess from my Hanamono/Bakemono covers, I’m a pretty big fan of the Monogatari series lol. I pretty much powered through the show, pure marathon style. This really brings me back to summer vacation, which I wish I were still on so I’d be able to do big projects like this all day! Still working h
...ard on making sure that my Monogatari Series: Second Season medley comes out at the end of next month. I’d like to see if I can push myself to do one cool medley every month, as IShow more