Santhana Lakshmi Mantra Jaap 108 Repetitions ( Ashtalakshmi Fifth Form )

Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: Ashta Lakshmi are a group of eight goddesses, who preside over eight sources of wealth and thus represent the powers of Lakshmi. Thus, the ‘Ashta Lakshmi’ are considered secondary manifestations of the Goddess Lakshmi. ’Wealth’ does not mean just money, in the context of Ashta-Lakshmi it means prosperity, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny, and power. Santhana Lakshmi (Children or Progeny) This form of Lakshmi as the name suggests (Santāna = offspings) is the Goddess of progeny, the treasure of the family life. Worshipers of Santana Lakshmi are bestowed with the wealth of good children possessing with good health and a long life. This form of Goddess Lakshmi is depicted as six-armed, holding two pitchers, a sword, and a shield; the other two hands are engaged in abhaya mudra and most importantly, for holding a child on her lap; the child is seen holding a lotus.
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