Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash Game Design
Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash Game Design
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Have you ever wanted to build your own dungeon and walk around it like in a real RPG game?
Join ‘Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash’ because there’s nothing like it! Go on a journey of 3D modelling to game environment in Blender and Unreal Engine 5.
Whether you are a RPG fan or dungeons and dragons (DND) player who wants to walk through and experience a medieval dungeon environment, or a game designer who would like to design a medieval dungeon environment for games, this course is perfect for you!
You will become a dungeon master!
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