I wasn’t going to upload this but the other copy I see on youtube is of the 2009 reissue, and the reissue lacks one very prominent track, a cover of Kim Wilde’s ’Kids In America’.
I’m about to regret deciding to type out this setlist, but here we go...
1) Spook Perv Happenings In The Snooker Hall
2) Betty Ford’s Clinic
3) Weebles Wobble But They Don’t Fall Down
4) Sheepdip
5) Lancer With Your Zancer
6) Can I Cultivate Your Groinal Garden?
7) Flying Killer Cobs From The Planet Bob
8) Did You Spill My Pint?
9) Seventh Church Of The Apocalyptic Lawnmower
10) Rad Dude
11) Sumo Rabbit And HIs Ine
...scapable Trap Of Doom
12) Maim Mower Maim
13) Cobwoman Of Deth Meet’s Mr. Smellymop
14) Got No Legs? Don’t Come Crawling To Me
15) Icky Ficky
16) Judgement Day (Assume The Position)
17) Ooh Crikey
18) Satan’s Trampoline
19) Dodo Doe
20) Duck Off
21) . (Fascist And Tubby)
22) Punk As Fuck
23) Sharp FuShow more