Nadezhda Irdorath - More (The Sea)

So, I’m back after 2 years in Belarusian prison for playing music at protests 2020. Thousands of letters of support from my friends and strangers, not all of which reached me. Long-awaited freedom and emigration. And now... I remember my tradition of publishing one personal song a year during the Christmas season. It’s time to continue the tradition. I chose More: a song born in prison. Today it will become free. Thanks to those who wrote and write letters to political prisoners. Thanks to those who wrote to me, it was a real salvation. And Happy new year. Thank you Irmi Wolvin for the beautiful cello. Thanks to Knochenland Studio and Victor Hildebrand for the sound. Thanks to my beloved Vladimir irdorath for filming and support. Thanks for the letters to everybody who sent them… Download the song: Море Делай добро на свой риск и страх Пока страх уснул на твоих руках, Пока нет на руках т
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