Fliptop Box - Final Scene (Full Album 2021)

Final Scene (2021) Hailing from Athens-Greece, Fliptop box are flying the flag of their own brand of alternative, heavy rock inspired metal, blending elements of alternative, grunge and metal with subtle undertones of the post punk scene of the 80’s. Influenced by bands like Danzig, Alice in chains, Volbeat and Therapy?. In this unique combination they have unlocked a captivating sound and style. Formed in 2003 by John Pomonis(vocals-guitars), Jim Samios(drums) and Steve Goulielmo(guitars) , they release their first demo at 2004. With poetic lyrics and strong song structure , they manage to bring out the beauty, disgust, joy, and pain of nowadays. At 2006 , the band is in a very good form and this is underlined by their new release, “Promo 2006 “ (demo of the month in Greek Metal Hammer). Once again they present a mixture of aggressive
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