Небрежная вырубка деревьев ведет к закрытию вызова для прохожих || ViralHog
Occurred on March 10, 2021 / Chiang Mai, Thailand
“My mind continues to be blown away at all the total ridiculousness of accidents that happen on this road. And so, it is my great pleasure to present to you this absurd masterpiece.
Our neighbors have been demolishing a house and clearing all the trees on the property. This was one of the last trees remaining. Instead of cutting it down into all the empty, cleared space behind them, they decide to switch things up a bit and cut some wood in the middle of the street, on top of a truck. Not just that, they almost perfectly timed it so as to squash a little old lady just walking down the street. Notice none of them even bother to check on the poor woman afterwards... What!
My favorite part is actually at the end. You might notice how completely useless the guy in the jean shorts and white tee is throughout the video. He eventually attempts to clear a log, to toss it over the wall, but epically fails in great fashion.
When it
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Небрежная вырубка деревьев ведет к закрытию вызова для прохожих || ViralHog