Unissued / Unused material.
Title - ’Ike’s journey. Dramatic events of Far East Trip’.
MS’s of President Dwight Eisenhower speaking of his forthcoming trip to the Far East, and of the warnings he has received advising him to postpone the trip. He says that he has decided neither to cancel nor postpone the trip. LS President Eisenhower bidding farewell to officials, in the background can be seen his four grandchildren with their mother bidding them goodbye. Back view of Richard Nixon as he talks with Eisenhower. LS of Nixon, Eisenhower’s four grandchildren, Mr Christian Herter, and the Presi
...dent. LS Eisenhower bidding his eldest grandson goodbye, Nixon in foreground. MS Eisenhower going up aircraft steps. LS Boeing 707 taking off.
Tokyo. Various shots of crowds at the airport in Tokyo awaiting Press Secretary James Hagerty’s arrival, they are holding banners with conflicting messages - some say Welcome Hagerty and Welcome Ike and others say Stay Away Eisenhower. Various shots as Hagerty descends airShow more