Macon’s Radio Broadcast

Following her shakedown at Lakehurst, USS Macon (ZRS-5) deployed to California’s Sunnyvale Naval Air Station. On Navy Day, Macon took two radio announcers aboard and headed south, where on Navy Day, a remote broadcast was made. A member of the Naval Airship Association allowed us to copy an old record he’s kept of this broadcast. Everything you hear after “Take it away, Macon!” actually originated on the airship in flight. The announcer made his way through the three-compartment control car and also up into the keels of the ship, probably going no further aft than Bay VII, since he mentions the wardroom and galley. Since this is a video, we have attached selections from www,’s USS MACON DVD of Macon-only raw material. This includes the short, edited film found in several archives labeled as “USS Macon aircraft” which was filmed on and about Macon on Navy Day 1934 (where no sound equipment was taken along.)
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