Deeno the Filipino says Farewell! 👋🏽

The third and final chapter in the Deeno saga. I was able to dig up enough usable audio from the original recording of my grandmother (from which Deeno’s voice was created) to cut together one last video/sendoff. Editing this was bittersweet, but overall I’m happy that I had the time I did with this quirky character. And just to clarify, my grandmother is alright! She just isn’t able to voice him anymore, so the audio I still have is finite and precious. Thank you for letting Deeno into your lives! Hehehe! ❤️ directed by Brandon Rogers IG: @brandonbored TikTok: @brandonrogers shot by Joshua Thomas @cassanovafilms production supervisor Cassie Travis @nilahindigo featuring: Georgina Leahy @georgieleahy Anthony A. Gonzalez @anthonyagonzalez NEW TOYS! Mom and Sam figures:   MOM:   SAM: MERCH STORE: https://sho
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