Paint Convincing Trees in Pastels. Once and For All!

Every landscape will contain foliage. Pastels are the simplest medium to portray it. In this demo, Master artist Johannes Vloothuis (Jo) will show you exactly how this should be done step by step. Jo has always recommended to thousands of artists that even if pastels are not your medium of choice, it serves as a perfect training vehicle to improve foliage in the other mediums. He has developed an infallible technique that will instantly improve your foliage. The demos will include: summer trees, autumn trees, winter frosted and bare trees, evergreens, and bushes. Come see what the hype of why thousands of artists won’t miss a free demo from Jo. Johannes is an award winning artist and instructor for the Artists Network, publishers of several magazines. He is known for conveying the complexity of landscape painting into simple easy to understand terms. JOIN US FOR THE NEXT WORKSHOP ! If you find you can benefit from Jo’s instruction and put into practice what you will learn in thi
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