1983-10-01 e1: wasted compassion (Santa Cruz seminar, USA)
...I am not surprised, my child, that you’ve got these things. I have seen people who have ended up into complete recluses. Absolutely horrible things have happened to them.
But if you tell them, also, they don’t want to hear. It is such a possession. They say, “Let us go to hell, doesn’t matter. Our guru will go to hell, we’ll go with him.“ Really. They are so identified, I mean you can’t tell them. You just can’t talk to them. If you talk to them they feel very hurt. They don’t know what harm it has done to them. They just don’t know.
Question: Should we have compassion for such teachers and such people that are affiliated with them?
Shri Mataji: First of all, you develop your compassion, secondly, discretion. You see it is a wasted compassion. What is the use of having compassion for Hitler?
It is wasted, absolutely wasted. I have been to most of them, talked to them, told them, “What are you doing? You’ve come out of the hell, now you are again going to go back permanently there.“ They won’t listen to me. It is wasted.
Question: ‘How about the people that are associated with them,’ she said.
Shri Mataji: Associated?
Question: The disciples?
Shri Mataji: Oh, lords. Try, but very difficult you know. Very difficult. Like one of the persons we had, John in London, who was very much, you see, worried about his friend who was really lost to this fellow, this fourteen-year-old fellow. And he talked to him about it and they were driving in a car, and he just went wayward, like this, like that, and he had to jump out of the car, you see, the fellow, they could not bear it.
Yogi had compassion for three people from Rajnesh, you see. I told him, “You bring them alone separately to me, not in the big crowd.” Because in India we have really very big crowds, you see. Now I said, “There will be problem.” But he had compassion, you see. I told him, “Just don’t bring here.” But you see, that time he didn’t understand what I was saying. But they brought them and they must be about 60 feet away from me, not very close. As soon as they stood up and saw me, they just collapsed, you see, no energy in their body. People tried to lift them, their hands would slip just like a fish. You see, they didn’t know what to do, five – six people had to literally lift that kind of a molasses, you see, from there and put them out. It was such a problem. So it is not easy but gradually if they discover it, come to right conclusion and they are still, something is there left, then you can manage...
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1983-10-01 e1: wasted compassion (Santa Cruz seminar, USA)