GleekyCollabs2: Rachel & Jesse - “Behind These Hazel Eyes“

Click here: 0:45 to skip to the 45 second mark. And please subscribe to our back-up account, PLEASE: (Add us as a friend too!) We already have 2 strikes here!! We just got our second strike recently: or full size: so we might be forced to move to GleekyCollabs3 at any time! ~~ (FYI we do have 6... well 8 collabs that all should be up soon, hopefully 7 of them within the next week if all goes well! Sorry for the long period of no collabs.) Gosh we’ve been working on this collab since January! FINALLY it is complete. After many people held it up... and it took way longer than it needed to because I didn’t replace people fast enough. I’m sorry. Special thanks to FriendsFreeak onlybepretendingx for filling in!! I really appreciate it!! I (luvtheheaven5) did the rendering and coloring... and back in January cut the song like th
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