Zeinat Olwi (1969) زينات علوى

The dancer is Zeinat Olwi performing in a second scene from the 1969 Egyptian comedy ‘Nashal Raghm Anfoh’ (A Pickpocket Despite His Nose نشال رغم أنفه). The film starred Nadia Lutfi as a movie star named Samia and Amin el Heneidi (1925-1986) as Sayed, the pickpocket of the film’s title. The four men at the table are the film’s star, Amin el Heneidi (3rd from left) and ‘The 3 Stagelights’ (“Tholaathi Adwaa al Masrah” فرقة ثلاثي أضواء المسرح التي). Of the “Tholaathi…” trio Samir Ghanem (the tall bald one) went on to have a hugely successful career as a solo comedy actor, George Sedhom, who is now 78 years old, retired many years ago due to on-going ill health and El Deif Ahmad (the young one) died in 1970. Trivia: Dancers may be interested to know that Nadia Lufti, the star of this movie, later played Badia Masabni in the 1975 Egyptian bio-pic of Masabni’s life. Fouad al Mohandes played the part of famous Egyptian actor Naguib el Rihani who was Masabni’s husband from 1925 until 1949.
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