The Case Near Kleshcheevka the Armed Forces

What do Russian soldiers think about combat?🙏🇷🇺🙏🇺🇦 I encourage you to watch the video. It has English subtitles. These Russian servicemen who fought near Bakhmut say that commanders were sending them to certain death. These guys are from the artillery regiment. They don’t have any artillery or munitions left, so the top commanders told them to take guns and go to storm the enemy positions. And they never been trained as infantry. As there is no artillery cover, this would be certain death. Russians are gathering lightly injured from hospitals and sending them into meat attacks, too. Why repair someone who’s destined to die anyway. These guys were mobilized a year ago. No vacation for a year. Only a couple of people from the whole regiment are allowed to take a 2 week vacation, the next month – another 2 people. Cooks, drivers — everyone is given a gun and sent into an attack. A retreating group was shot by barrier troops. The Russians shot Russians. That’s an order. Only forward, not a step back. One of the guys hanged himself, says the commander. Because of all this horror. Their commander was arrested and “accused of everything”, they say. Most of their comrades are dead. They survived because they were in artillery. Their infantry was liquidated. Now they were ordered to become the storm troops, pulled from their rotation early, and ordered to become the cannon fodder for a mission that no one would come back alive from. The guys simply left their weapons and left the positions. They weren’t on the first line of defence, so they were able to leave. They decided they didn’t want to die. Now they face heavy jail time for refusing to fight. The video below they recorded to tell about their plight, while still not arrested — but that wouldn’t be for long. In Russia, FSB is on guard for deserters. The case near Kleshcheevka — September 20, 2023) . None of the soldiers who sign up to fight in Ukraine hoping to earn 205,000 rubles per month ($2,000) realizes what they are signing for. Those who arrive to the front and see what’s happening there, would love to leave, but they can’t. It’s a one-way trap. Sounds like North Korean ammo is making it to the front. Among other complaints, Russians near Bakhmut say not only are almost all their infantry dead, but their ammo no longer works. “Ammo doesn’t fly and if it DOES fly, it doesn’t explode.“ They say they weren’t trained for this and guys are committing suicide. Putin’s Russia rose like Hitler’s Germany.👍 “Heil Putin’s!“ 🇪🇺 ’fuck me.’
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