Byzantine Reconquista - Cilicia and Aleppo 961-962 DOCUMENTARY

đź’» Go to and use code kingsandgenerals to get a 2-year plan with a huge discount plus 4 additional months for free. Protect yourself online today! Kings and Generals historical animated documentary series on the history of the Eastern Roman Empire continues with a video on the aftermath of the Byzantine Reconquista against the Muslim states, as after the reconquest of Crete (), future emperor from the Macedonian dynasty Nikephoros II Phokas begins his reconquest of Cilicia and Northern Syria, picking up the fight with thee Hamdanid emir Sayf al-Dawla, leading to the siege of Aleppo in 962. Nikephoros is helped in this campaign by his brother Leo and relative John Tzimiskes More videos on the history of Byzantium - Eastern Roman Empire: Rise of Bulgaria - Battle of Tryavna 1190 - Sack of Constantinople 1204 - What Was Lost in the Sack of Constantinople - Varan
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