[Trailer] 巡城馬 ( Postman Strikes Back) - HD Version
Postman Strikes Back巡城馬 (1982)
導演: 于仁泰
領銜主演: 周潤發, 鍾楚紅, 高雄, 梁家仁, 樊梅生
民國初年,軍閥割據,袁世凱密謀稱帝,從東京請來隱術功夫高手胡兆光(高雄 飾)出面拉攏傅俊(周潤發 飾)、巡城馬(梁家仁 飾)、卜方(樊梅生 飾)及姚傑(袁日初 飾)送賀禮至落馬關,以收買當地土匪頭子焦龍。
四人遂聯同欲到上海贖回妹妹的貴花(鐘楚紅 飾)一起上路,惟沿途多次遭受伏擊,眾人感到奇怪,追問下傑終和盤托出。原來光捉了傑的家人,要脅傑籍是次送賀禮為名,把沿途一帶的革命黨引出來,逐一消滅。為救傑的家人,眾人如期到達落馬關。究竟最後能否成功救出傑的家人呢?
Director: Yu Ren Tai
Starring: Chow Yun Fat, Chung Choi Hung, Ko Hung, Leung Ka Yan, Fan Mui San
TumultUous China is about to fall apart at the seams under the rule of egomaniacal warlords. Aspiring to proclaim himself emperor, President Yuan conspires with a horde of villainous bandits to weed out dissident warlords. Fu Jun (Chow Yun Fat) and three others are fooled into delivering necessary weaponry, without knowing the hidden treachery. Brutally ambushed time and again, the gang senses something foul and refuses to be part of the conspiracy. Their desperate attempts to resist, however, all go in vain. They are left with no choice but to right their wrongs.
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