@andreeafabri - Sweet Child O’ Mine (Guns N’ Roses) #sweetchildofmine #gunsnroses #gunsnrosescover
Feel free to like, comment and share, thanks in advance! We are ready to roll with the next episodes, so keep those subs coming! Avem in pregatire o multime de episoade, fiecare nou abonat ajuta enorm! Interested in our artists to perform at your event or maybe you want to contribute to the project or promote your business by adding a logo to our streams, please email us: contact (@) or call 40766379977 Daca doresti ca artistii de pe acest canal sa iti anime evenimentul, sa contribui la acest proiect, sau, de ce nu, chiar sa gazduiesti un astfel de episod, trimite-ne un mail la contact (@) sau contacteaza-ne la 0766379977. - the next livestream event / urmatorul eveniment livestream
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