7th Assembly Of League Of Nations - 1926 (1926)

7th assembly of the League of Nations; 1926 Germany joins League. Shot looking delegates’ seating toward raised area down front w/ a few men sitting at tables. Closer shot: speaker reading document; another man on each side. MLS group of delegates outside; w/ Aristide Briand (France) in centre. MS Louis Loucheur (Fr) starts to walk by other delegates; then stops. MS M. BruckSre of Belgium; with others. MS Eduard Benes of Czechoslovakia with Giuseppe Motta of Switzerland. MS the Maharajah of the Indian state Kapurthala with other Indians and Anglos. Group pose outside doorway: Great Britain’s Austen Chamberlain in front ctr.; his son also in picture; various delegates; etc Another group pose: German delegation at door of their hotel; w/ Gustav Stresemann front ctr. Shot from steps of a gaggle of journalists and photographers crowded around; more people watching in BG. Germans tip hats to press and make their shot delegates seated in rows; others standing. LS Stresemann making
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