the god is dead, fear me
Game is Starsector
Music: Doom Eternal OST: The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Quick Explanation
What is #Shoepost ?
They’re some shorter video or sh*tposts that i can produce with short amount of time
Why named #Shoepost ?
Basically sh*tpost but with sh*t replaced by shoe
What will be in?
Some random clips i think
Where’s your discord?
What’s the point of this?
Well, editing a video will usually take me 1-5 days #Shoepost is some replacement while I’m still editing
Will this be daily or something?
Probably, depends on if I remember or not
Can Cheese be in my comments
no. go away
1 view
8 months ago 01:15:20 1
10 months ago 01:08:35 1
1950s American Pedal Car Restoration - Perfect Restoration