SkyrimSE: Mia And Her Grandma Shirley; #1 Inroduction
PLEASE CHECK links etc below: Address; PC specs; Mod List; Patreon Link; Teespring merch
Shirley Curry
PO Box 1605
Lebanon, OH 45036
Teespring Merchandise:
Twitter Acct.
Grandma’s World Of Skyrim
My Operating System: DogHouse Systems Model: Armor TL980 Hero Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4790K Cpu@ Graphics Card: GTX980 Installed Memory (RAM): GB (I’ve bought two more) System Type: 64bit Operating System; Windows 10
My Mod List For Skyrim: Lamposts of Skyrim; Bandolier:Bags and Pouches; Convenient Horses: Towns and Villages Revamped; Weather Control; Open Cities; Moonpath to Elsweyr BijinWarmaidens Bijin Wives Holidays Inigo Notice Board Sit Anywhere Whistle Alternate Start Immersive Citize