Диорама “Засада в Уолкотте“ для 18 эпизода Tex Talks Battletech - “Поворотный момент на Туаткроссе“ [TMC]

We are fans and make videos for fans, so our videos will always remain non-commercial and accessible to everyone. As a Patreon-Supporter, you will get a deeper insight into our work. We also make exclusive „Making-Of“ content or self-created assets available for our Patreon-Supporters. Made in #unrealengine5 with #blender . This is a fan art project, 100% unofficial and in no way endorsed by Microsoft, Piranha Games, Catalyst Game Labs or Topps. #MechWarrior and #Battletech are registered trade-marks of Microsoft Corporation. All other associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters and the distinctive likeness thereof, are the property of their respective owners; ® or ™ as indicated.
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