плетение шнурка Easy Fingerloop Braid - for all your Medieval Lacing and Cord needs!
Check out for great written instructions, documentation, and research!
The first fingerloop braiding video I made:
If you’d like to learn more fingerloop braids, the book “Tak V Bowes Departed“ is absolutely fantastic! (it is currently out of print, but hopefully it will come back soon!)
First manuscript I mentioned: “1st quarter of the 15th century through the 17th century - The miscellany comprises texts on prognostication, astrology and braiding.“
Second manuscript I showed: “How to make purstringes. With samples of one bodyes-work and two-bodyes work. Circa 1600.“
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5 months ago 01:02:16 1
Капюшон капор спицами с расчетом #hood_smetana
5 months ago 00:37:50 5
Вязаная шапка ушанка спицами с кеттлевкой резинкой 1 на 1 | описание | мастеркласс | шапка тренд хит
5 months ago 00:51:56 36
Вязаная сумка Торба с узором Соты и твердым донышком + подкладка и ремешок