Micromonumental Mapping

Lille Video Mapping Festival x Limelight The Essence of a Video Mapping Festival Projection mapping artwork for the 1:40 3D model of the Opera House of Lille “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller /// If we can’t make it big, we’ll go micro. We were commissioned to create an artwork for the Lille Video Mapping Festival. Despite the event being cancelled, we are determined to show the world our artwork, so we decided to downscale and project it onto a 1:40 3D model of the building. We believe in the transformative power of art, and that our souls need it now more than ever. We are here to stay. When we started working on our concept for the Lille Mapping Festival, we didn’t know that a pandemic was about to hit the world, and the world as we know it would fall apart and stop existing. The way humanity is now working together to rebuild the world corresponds amazingly with our origina
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