Waza Wednesday 1/25/17 - Rohai and Chinto Oyo Bunkai
We have received a few requests, lately, to go over applications for the kata, Rohai. This kata is not part of our system, but it does contain many components that can be found in other kata--in this case, we take a look at a movement from early in the kata that is similar to one found in Chinto, and how to use it to control the opponent’s limbs and head. We show this both from a punch, and a clinch scenario, but these are just simple starting points for you to begin exploring the methods.
Waza Wednesday--the day Sensei Richard Poage shares a karate or kobudo technique with the world. Sensei Poage is a Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan practitioner under Sensei Eddie Bethea, and specializes in kata bunkai (analysis). He teaches at Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts & Healing Center in Scottsdale, AZ, and is available to book for seminars.
Peaceful Warrior was founded in 2010 by Renshi Richard M. Poage and Sensei Tiffany Richards, with a mission to create a community where health, wellness and martial arts
3 years ago 00:02:50 41
Waza Wednesday 4/5/17 - Yama-Tsuki Oyo Bunkai
4 years ago 00:03:01 16
Waza Wednesday 1/25/17 - Rohai and Chinto Oyo Bunkai
4 years ago 00:03:57 12
Waza Wednesday 4/19/17 - Tips on Applying Age-Tsuki (Rising Punch)
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Waza Wednesday 5/3/17 - Introduction to Tetsu-Geta (Iron Shoes)
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Kaeshi no Kata par Alexandre Dallemagne et Léo Gaspard