Official video
Aztlan Underground Sub-Verses Xican@ records and Film
Live footage captured at Sol Fest LA and DF-El Chopo and El Zocalo by various companeros for AUG. Content compiled by AUG and Mal Ojo/Chicano Secret Service. Edited by Che Castro of Mal Ojo/Chicano Secret Service productions.
“For us Aztlan is not a territory. For if we were to define it that way then we would subscribe to the western paradigm of “owning“ land. What Aztlan means for us is the right to live according to the laws of nature and its habitats. This does not negate the traditional ties of native people bu
...t in fact enforces it. Anyone who refers to aztlan as specific territory to be taken over is sorely mistaken. It is awareness of identity and connection not coercion or reconquest as many minutemen espouse.“Show more