Breakthrough: Quantum optics - High-performance photon detectors | CEA-Leti

​​​​​With years of expertise in silicon photonics, CEA-Leti researchers have developed two complementary approaches for high performance photon detectors. This innovative technology meets the needs of disruptive applications in a variety of sectors such as Free Space Optics for telecoms, quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Depending on application requirements, CEA-Leti now offers cutting-edge solutions using either Avalanche Photodetectors (APD) with Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) or Superconducting Single Photon Detectors (SSPD). Read more: ’s-On/News/ Thank you for watching! Whether you are a company looking for a technological advantage for your product or a student, recent graduate, or technology professional looking for your next exciting career opportunity, check out the links below! ------ 🔔 Before you go, s
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