“ABRIL“, Narcotango 4tet. Dancers: Dilara Ogretmen & Sven Elze. Tangoloft Berlin. Oct 29 2023

October 29th, 2023, in Berlin during the “Colours of Tangoloft Festival “, the Tango dancers Dilara Ogretmen and Sven Elze were filmed by Andreas Rochholl in an absolutely original and unique way that inmerses you in the intimacy of the dancers, their connection with the music and their deep emotions. Visit there incredible Youtube Channel for more emotions: @CrossGenerationMedia We are so gratefull and happy to can share this fleeting moment of beauty, art and love. Thank you Mona Isabelle of Tangoloft Berlin, for your artistic vision and tireles work to produce Tango events of this magnitude. Thank you CrossGeneration Media, Andreas Rochholl and Sebastian Leitner for your art that will allow this magical momet, stay alive for a long time. Thank you Lilia Keller for your support in each aspect of the Festival. WORLD PREMIERE: Narcotango new still unreleased song “ABRIL“ at “Colors of Tangoloft Festival“ in Kühlhaus Berlin, (R
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