Old school splatter death/gore/grind 3-piece band from Brazil and US with Thales Gory (Trachoma, Sebum Excess Production, Sociopathic Behavior, Festering Ulcer Wound, Commando FxUxCxKx, Agujero Podrido, Acid Bacteria, Surgical Supression, Dead Fetus Collection, MxDxKx) on guitars and bass, Sam Bowling on drums (Your Kids On Fire, Vomit Breath, Living Putrefaction, Profane Ruination) and Glesio Torres on vocals (Sebum Excess Production, Gross Human Deformation, Bacterial Food). This is their debut demo.
Self-released (digital format) in February 2022.
Get it here:
1. Necrotic Fetal Remains 0:00
2. Experimental Self Amputation 1:17
3. Rotting Bowels Leaking Putrefaction 1:36
4. Last Days Of The Cannibal Tribes 2:11
1 year ago 00:19:46 1
Calcinated - Morgue Serenity FULL ALBUM (2022 - Pathological Goregrind)