Your followers will often have a brief exchange with each other when you swap them. This can result in well-wishes or some amusing banter.
Some combinations of followers will not result in conversations, such as replacing McCready with Danse, or replacing anybody with Dogmeat. I tested these combinations multiple times to be sure, so if the pairs missing in this video actually DO result in a conversation, my save file might have been bugged enough to prevent them :(
All conversations were recorded at the same point in the game -- towards the end, but before you start burning bridges with the different factions. This save file has max-friendship status with every follower except for Hancock, MacCready, and Strong (hense the state of Danse and Curie). I maaay be missing some conversations that are unavailable without those (evidenced by the curie4deacon conversation). Humorously enough, despite certain events changing some characters significantly, the conversations betw
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