BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER TV ANIME: Black★Rock Shooter VS Chariot (Episode 1)

From episode 1 from the new 2012 Black★Rock Shooter TV Anime. The episode is called 「あとどれだけ叫べばいいのだろう」, “How Much Louder Do I Have To Shout?“ ブラック★ロックシューター 第1回「あとどれだけ叫べばいいのだろう」 I do not own the character or the trademark Black★Rock Shooter. It belongs to huke and ordet. Chariot is Kagari’s other self. In a scene before this fight, Kagari was pestering Mato to leave her and Yomi alone, giving her macaroon’s with dull colors. The English word macaroon and French macaron come from the Italian maccarone or maccherone. This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaning crush or beat. Kaga...ri chanted 帰れ (Go home) while pestering Mato, and Chariot does the same while attacking BRS. I’m not sure, but I think the audio is slightly off. It’s barely noticeable though.
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