Dr. Ludwigs medieval German song compilation

Over three and a half hours of medieval German songs for you. Consider that sometimes a song is officially from the 16th or even 17th century, but has roots back to the middle ages. I didn’t include Landsknecht songs, as they are either from a later time and I already made a compilation about them. Some songs are sung in Modern High German, but most of them in Middle High German. Sooner or later I will upload every single song. Songlist: 0:00 - Ach meiden du vil sende pein 3:06 - Ain graserin durch kulen tau 5:56 - Amor ist eyn lustlich walt 8:58 - Begirlich in dem hertzen min 11:46 - Christ ist erstanden 13:26 - Das kchühorn 17:00 - Das Nachthorn 22:09 - Der wallt hat sich entlawbet 25:11 - Du auserweltes schöns mein herz 27:44 - Du bist min 32:51 - Ellend du hast umbfangen mich 41:00 - Es geht ein dunkle Wolk herein 44:14 - Es nahet gen der Fasenacht 48:13 - Frölich, zärtlich, lieplich. 50:29 - Her wiert uns dünstet also sere 52:30 - Ich het an si gewendet 54:57 - Ich het czu hanni geloket mir 56:26 - Ich
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