WoW Developer Interview with Ion Hazzikostas @ gamescom 2024 - The War Within
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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:22 How has Early Access been for World of Warcraft?
01:24 What Classes can we expect from the Dracthyr?
02:38 Dedicated Twitter Account for the Retail WoW Team?
03:49 Can we expect a Glory Achievement for Dungeons in the War Within?
05:26 Are there any plans to rework dungeons older than Cata dungeons for Mythic ?
06:30 Awakening the Machine Development over Alpha/Beta
08:12 How will our current loadout of Delves look in future War Within patches?
09:23 What other World Activities contribute to the “World“ row on the Great Vault?
10:37 Will the Delvers Journey be available from Heroic Week?
11:46 How do we unlock Zekvirs Lair?
13:08 The Delve Mount in future War Within Seasons
13:33 Can we expect Story Mode raiding to be expanded on in future patches?
15:09 Could we see anything being added to the game to help with completionist content?
16:19 Whats the thought process behind being able to Skyride from level 10 but Steady Flying at 20?
17:17 Is there any lore behind our Characters being able to use Hero Talents?
18:31 How important are the Harronir going to be going forward?
19:19 What is the future of Timewalking?
19:53 Whats next for “Remix“?
20:48 Outro
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