Andrew Forbes - The 11th Floor (Full Album)

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Recorded in the sacred canyon of Eldorado Springs, at the Crucible, 10 minutes south of Boulder, Colorado. The vision of the blend of highland bagpipes and the indian rhythm of tabla brought together in a journey of spirit. released June 22, 2011 Andrew Forbes: highland bagpipes, low whistle. Shaun Burhoe: tabla Aaron Davis: tambura, sarod. Scott Parker Mast: drums, percussion. Johannes Wrath: guitalimba. Dave Cipriani: guitar, vocals Produced by Andrew Forbes and Andy McEwen. Engineered, Mixed, and Mastered by Andy McEwen at Crucible Studios. Satsang recorded by Maus. Cover art by Johanna Reimer. Special thanks to Gregg Campbell.“ Список: 1. 0:00 - Pirate Jigs 2. 4:42 - Jumping Asteroids 3. 15:00 - Satsang 4. 23:23 - Tiger Walk 5. 28:30 - The Ferret 6. 32:30 - Toombs 7. 35:31 - The 9/8 Jig 8. 40:13 - Wolf Mother 9. 43:15 - Rubato in E Minor 10. 46:55 - Joining Heaven and Earth/Run With It 11. 52:23 - Sweet Thing
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