Stress Testing

Donation options: 1. 2. Yandex Mastercard Мастеркард: 5106 2110 8086 3207 (ARMEN ASTVATSATRYAN) 3. Yandex money: 410013784474520 In stress testing, the heart is monitored by electrocardiography and often imaging studies during an induced episode of increased cardiac demand so that ischemic areas potentially at risk of infarction can be identified. Heart rate is increased to 85% of age-predicted maximum (target heart rate) or until symptoms develop, whichever occurs first. #stress #testing #cad Professor Armen Astvatsatryan, MD, PhD, ScD, FESC. First Dean and Founder of Faculty of Public Health of European Regional Educational Academy (now University). One of 100 of the International Biographical Center`s (Cambridge, England) Top Health Professionals - 2007. aramis1969@
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